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How to work with a scientific calculator:
- Functions of the standard buttons [ 0 ], [ 1 ], [ 2 ], ... [ 9 ] - standard numeric keypad;
- [ 00 ] - key to enter the 2 zeros;
- [ → ] - delete the last entered character is displayed;
- [ +/- ] - changing the mathematical signs of the display on the opposite;
- [ + ] - addition,
- [ - ] - subtraction,
- [ х ] - multiplication,
- [ ÷ ] - division;
- [ % ] - calculate interest;
- [ M+ ] - stored in the memory with the sign [ + ] ;
- [ M- ] - stored in the memory with the sign [ - ] ;
- [ MR ] - get the contents of memory;
- [ MC ] - clear the memory;
- [ AC ] - reset the last value and clear the memory ;
- [ C ] - reset the last digit of the;
- [ sin ] - sine of the angle,
- [ cos ] - cosine of the angle,
- [ tg ] - tangent of the angle,
- [ ctg ] - cotangent of the angle;
- [ asin ] - arc sine of the angle,
- [ acos ] - arc cosine of the angle,
- [ atg ] - arc tangent of the angle,
- [ actg ] - arc cotangent of the angle;
- [ π ] - mathematical constant, the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of the circle;
- [ e ] - mathematical constant, the Euler number;
- [ Xʸ ] - raise to higher power;
- [ √ ] - square root;
Calculation of percentage of the number of - 500 [ x ] 25 [ % ] Result - 125.
Deduction percentage of the number - 500 [ - ] 25 [ % ] Result - 375.
Adding percentage to the number - 500 [ + ] 25 [ % ] Result - 625.
Entering commands from the computer keyboard
To use the calculator you can use any keys: how keys are on top, and separate numeric keypad located on the right.
- To enter [ = ], you can use the [Enter].
- To erase the last character you can use the key to erase the last character [ Backspace ] (arrow keys).
- To enter the sign [ + ] you can use either the [ + ] key at the top or press the [ + ] on the numeric keypad on the right.
- To enter the sign [ - ] you can use either the [ - ] key at the top or press the [ - ] on the numeric keypad on the right.
- To enter a [ x ] (multiplication) you can use the [ * ] key on the numeric keypad to the right or a combination of keys[ * ] and [ Shift ].
- To enter a [ ÷ ] (divide) you can use the [ / ] key on the numeric keypad to the right or a combination of keys [ : ] and [ Shift ].
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