Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Scientific Calculator Online

Scientific calculator allows you to perform complex calculations using various trigonometric functions: sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent. Calculator can increase the number to a power, calculate the logarithm of the number. Basic commands (numbers, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction, equality, reset) can be entered using the mouse as well as using the numeric keypad (top or side). Detailed instructions for working with scientific calculator, see the bottom of the page.
powered by calculator.net

How to work with a scientific calculator:

  • Functions of the standard buttons [ 0 ], [ 1 ], [ 2 ], ... [ 9 ] - standard numeric keypad; 
  • [ 00 ] - key to enter the 2 zeros; 
  • [ → ] - delete the last entered character is displayed; 
  • [ +/- ] - changing the mathematical signs of the display on the opposite; 
  • [ + ] - addition, 
  • [ - ] - subtraction, 
  • [ х ] - multiplication, 
  • [ ÷ ] - division; 
  • [ % ] - calculate interest; 
  • [ M+ ] - stored in the memory with the sign [ + ] ; 
  • [ M- ] - stored in the memory with the sign [ - ] ; 
  • [ MR ] - get the contents of memory; 
  • [ MC ] - clear the memory; 
  • [ AC ] - reset the last value and clear the memory ; 
  • [ C ] - reset the last digit of the; 
 Calculator buttons for performing trigonometric functions

  • [ sin ] - sine of the angle, 
  • [ cos ] - cosine of the angle, 
  • [ tg ] - tangent of the angle, 
  • [ ctg ] - cotangent of the angle; 
  • [ asin ] - arc sine of the angle, 
  • [ acos ] - arc cosine of the angle, 
  • [ atg ] - arc tangent of the angle, 
  • [ actg ] - arc cotangent of the angle; 
  • [ π ] - mathematical constant, the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of the circle; 
  • [ e ] - mathematical constant, the Euler number; 
  • [ Xʸ ] - raise to higher power; 
  • [ √ ] - square root; 
Examples of calculation of interest 
Calculation of percentage of the number of - 500 [ x ] 25 [ % ] Result - 125.
Deduction percentage of the number - 500 [ - ] 25 [ % ] Result - 375.
Adding percentage to the number - 500 [ + ] 25 [ % ] Result - 625.

Entering commands from the computer keyboard
To use the calculator you can use any keys: how keys are on top, and separate numeric keypad located on the right.

  • To enter [ = ], you can use the [Enter]. 
  • To erase the last character you can use the key to erase the last character [ Backspace ] (arrow keys). 
  • To enter the sign [ + ] you can use either the [ + ] key at the top or press the [ + ] on the numeric keypad on the right. 
  • To enter the sign [ - ] you can use either the [ - ] key at the top or press the [ - ] on the numeric keypad on the right. 
  • To enter a [ x ] (multiplication) you can use the [ * ] key on the numeric keypad to the right or a combination of keys[ * ] and [ Shift ]. 
  • To enter a [ ÷ ] (divide) you can use the [ / ] key on the numeric keypad to the right or a combination of keys [ : ] and [ Shift ].

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